Schwinn Tailwind electric bike review

The upper horseshoe-shaped thing is a keyed wheel lock that lets you run a metal bar through the spokes. This keeps the rear wheel attached, and also prevents someone from biking off with it. It’s no substitute for a chain, but in a friendly community (such as a retirement community on a lake somewhere), it’s… Continue reading Schwinn Tailwind electric bike review

Schwinn Tailwind electric bike review

Chicago became the center of the American bicycle industry, with thirty factories turning out thousands of bikes every day. Bicycle output in the United States grew to over a million units per year by the turn of the 20th century. Most companies informed us they are working toward the certification process. So, expect the list… Continue reading Schwinn Tailwind electric bike review

Schwinn Tailwind electric bike review

If you’re in San Francisco you’re going to want more help than if you’re cruising around Austin. Watt hours (Wh) is the most important figure for comparison—it takes into account battery output and battery life to give you a better sense of available power. Motors are also rated based on their power, measured in Watts.… Continue reading Schwinn Tailwind electric bike review

Schwinn Tailwind electric bike review

The two speed options on this white noise machine allow you to adjust tone and volume and tune out background noise. Unlike some modern digital designs, this unit is based on a classic construction dating back to the 1960s that uses a fan and real rushing air schwinn ebike to create soothing sounds. To set… Continue reading Schwinn Tailwind electric bike review