Schwinn Catalog Scans

Because of the development of the safety bicycle, women had become avid bicyclists in the 1890s. The Schwinn women’s everyday model has a rear fender and webbing seemingly designed to prevent skirts from getting caught in the wheel or the chain. With over 100 years of cycling history, Schwinn is one of America’s oldest brands of bike. Today’s range features schwinn mountain bike affordable, good quality bikes for the casual rider, the commuter and the fitness enthusiast. There are options for both adults and children, with bikes that can handle the road, path or trail. By the mid-1970s, competition from lightweight and feature-rich imported bikes was making strong inroads in the budget-priced and beginners’ market.

The company would eventually be renamed the Schwinn Bicycle Company. With his

background as an innovative motorcycle engineer, he set his eyes on developing futuristic

new bicycle products geared towards children. The stage was set for an era of Schwinn

creativity and innovation that would catapult the company into a dominant position

in the bicycle industry. A nice side benefit of purchasing Henderson was they also

produced a line of bicycles that could be integrated into the Schwinn portfolio. In a sense, entering into the motorcycle business saved Schwinn as a bicycle

company by getting through a very rough patch of declining sales.

At Schwinn, the engineering

culture established in the 1930s had laid the groundwork for producing a variety

of new high-quality bicycles. Now in the latter part of the 1940s, the company with

its stable of high-quality products was poised for the coming increase in

demand generated by the return of war veterans. Most of schwinn mountain bike Schwinn’s

creative energy from 1910 through 1930 went into producing a well-respected

brand of motorcycle called the Excelsior. In 1917, Schwinn purchased Henderson

Motorcycle Company from its owners. Their

motorcycles were popular and in the late 1920s, Schwinn became the third

largest motorcycle company in the country.

In a second

ironic twist, the creators of the mountain bike in trend-setting California

were modifying old 1930s Schwinns because of their durability and coaster

brakes. Races down a rugged fire lane

were taking place on a course they called Repack. What emerged from these races was a new style of bike that we

know today as the mountain bike. In 1980, this was followed by a higher quality BMX bicycle

called the Sting.

The stock shares of Schwinn were then passed down to the oldest

son of each generation. The consequence was that by the 1980s, the stock of the

company family trust was schwinn tricycle divided up among  16 family members. Ed Schwinn, Jr. quickly ordered a management shakeup, The new

chief executive surrounded himself with financial specialists.

He also turned

Schwinn from a private label maker of bicycles sold in retail stores to an

iconic national brand backed by an exclusive dealer network. His contributions

were not only beneficial for Schwinn but also for the entire bicycle industry. • Mountain bike – solid and durable bikes designed for off-road riding. There are options with or without suspension, and the range includes the well-known and popular Rocket models of mountain bike. Ignaz came from Germany determined to make a lightweight bike that would get men, women and children pedaling when only young males could ride the awkward high-wheel bike of the 1880s. This was a no-expense-spared project of Frank W. Schwinn, who wanted the bike to be introduced in 1938.

To take advantage of

lower wages and favorable exchange rates, many US companies were beginning to manufacture

products in Asia. As an example, Radio

Corporation of America changes its name to RCA Corporation to recognize its

manufacturing of a large range of products and expansion into other countries. Schwinn started the decade

selling 500 thousand bicycles in 1960 and reached close to 900 thousand by 1970

(Petty 2007). The company also was not resting on its laurels because it was busy

introducing popular new models.